School Rules and Regulations
In enforcing the school rules and regulations, we aim to teach students the values of Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience. We hope to teach students how to uphold standards of behaviour that are acceptable in school and society. Overall, the rules and regulations are designed to create a safe and secure environment for all students to learn and for staff to carry out their duties.
Students are to participate in the flag raising and lowering ceremonies with dignity and respect.
Students who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students must recite the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
Students are to uphold the reputation of the school and nation. There must not be any defamation (in any form) of the school, staff, fellow students, or any of the nation’s leaders.
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and any modification to the uniform is not allowed.
Shirts and blouses must be buttoned up properly and tucked in.
Tattered, torn, outgrown, stained or faded uniforms must be replaced.
Only plain white school shoes and the Xinmin socks are to be worn.
Only the Xinmin Jacket, which is part of the school uniform, can be worn.
Students may report to school in half uniform on days when they have PE (Half uniform is defined as PE top and uniform bottom) and when allowed by the School Management (for hot weather, haze, science practical exams)
Xinmin PE T-shirts and shorts are to be worn for PE lessons and students are to change back to half uniform after the lesson. Students are not to wear PE attire when they are not at PE, unless permission is given by the teacher (e.g. CCA activity, cohort camps).
Class T-shirts are only for graduating classes (Sec 4 and Sec 5) and their design and use must be approved by the School Management.
Students should not wear jewellery, accessories (other than those stated here), makeup or items not in the prescribed school uniform. Female students may wear hair accessories such as hair bands and clips, which are to be black, dark brown or dark blue. Female students may only wear one ear stud per earlobe. The ear stud must not be more than 5mm in diameter. Only stud earrings are allowed.
Fingernails are to be short and unpainted.
Hair accessories, ear sticks and earrings or studs are not allowed on boys.
Piercing of any other part of the body is not allowed.
Tattoos on any part of the body are not allowed.
Highlighting or dyeing of hair is not allowed.
Hair extensions are not allowed.
Wearing of caps/hats to school is not allowed unless special permission is given.
Coloured contact lenses are not allowed.
Male students must be neat in appearance, clean-shaven and no facial hair is allowed.
Students are to be respectful to school staff.
Students are to treat each other with respect (e.g., no vulgar, sexual or crude language, no bullying, threatening, intimidating, impersonation or causing annoyance or hurt to anyone by any means).
Students are not to be intimate with one another (e.g., no hugging, holding of hands, kissing, writing of intimate correspondence, sitting in close proximity etc.).
Students are not to abet the commission of offences by others.
Students are to always be good ambassadors of the school.
Students must be standing with their class in the assigned venue punctually and participate in the Flag Raising Ceremony.
Absence from school or any school activity must be substantiated by a valid medical certificate (MC) clearly stating the doctor’s diagnosis, or documented valid reason (other than MCs, reasons for absence are only deemed valid upon acceptance by, and at the discretion of the school).
Students must submit their MCs/documents within 3 working days upon their return to school.
Permission to leave school before official holidays or official dismissal may be granted in special cases. For such cases, parents or legal guardians must write in to the Year Head and Form Teachers at least 2 weeks beforehand.
Students must demonstrate civic mindedness – e.g., queue up, return utensils in the canteen, keep the school clean, return lost and found items.
Students must keep their classrooms clean, neat, and tidy always.
If food and drinks are consumed in the classrooms, disposable packaging and food waste must be properly disposed of in the large common bins provided along the corridor and not in the classroom wastepaper basket.
During lesson time, students are not to have food and drink on their tables.
Students must use school facilities and equipment with proper authorisation and take care of them.
Students must not waste electricity or water.
Students must not vandalise.
Students must report to the school authorities if they have damaged school equipment or property.
Students are to observe the appropriate decorum during school events such as assemblies, celebrations, sports day.
Students who need to leave a lesson for valid reasons (e.g., going to the toilet, feeling unwell, official duties) must seek the permission of the teacher present.
Students are to diligently perform all duties assigned to them.
Mobile phones must be locked in students’ own lockers from 0725hrs (0825hrs on Thursdays) to at least 1140hrs.
During all lessons (timetabled and additional, e.g. Structured Intervention Programme), mobile phones must be locked in students’ own lockers.
To promote balanced screen use amongst students , usage of mobile phones within the school compound is not allowed till after 1140hrs. Usage after the allowed time may be restricted by school staff if it interferes with school programmes or activities.
Mobile phones are not allowed in the library at all times.
During lessons, Personal Learning Devices (PLDs) and other digital devices/accessories can only be used when directed by teachers and for purposes authorised by teachers.
Students are to take care of their PLDs and lock them in their lockers when not in use.
Students are to bring home their PLDs every day and charge them at home.
Students are to hand over their mobile phones or PLDs for confiscation as a disciplinary measure or for the purpose of investigation.
Lockers are the property of the school and are provided on loan to students. Students are to take care of their lockers and provide their own locks.
Students must uphold the law and report those who break the law.
All students are not allowed to have any weapon in their possession. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
Students must not engage in gambling or betting.
Students are to follow the security procedures of the school and report misdeeds or suspicious behaviour.
Students are to report and surrender all lost and found items to the General Office so that the owners may claim them.
Students are to attend school, classes, CCAs and other school activities regularly and punctually.
Students are to be attentive, cooperative and diligent (e.g. there must be no sleeping in class, disruptive behaviour or tardiness).
Students are to complete and hand in all assignments punctually.
Students must strive to produce quality work in and out of the classroom.
Demerit Point System
Demerit points will be administered by the Discipline Committee for any offence committed.
Demerit points awarded will be commensurate with the severity, frequency, or manner in which the offence was committed.
Students will receive a conduct grade at the end of each semester based on their demerit points for that semester
Every student will have their demerit points reset at the end of each semester. Graduating students do not get a reset.
Boys who accumulate 20 or more demerit points may be caned.
Girls who accumulate 20 or more demerit points may be given CWO hours or suspended from school.
Graduating students who accumulate 20 or more demerit points for the academic year will also not receive a Testimonial from the school.
Only students with ‘Very Good’ or better for the last 2 conduct grades will be considered for overseas trips organized by the school.
Demerit points
0 + recommendation by FT |
16-30 + 1 serious offence
> 30
Conduct grade
Very Good
Schedule A
Pirated or unlicensed materials
Electronic entertainment and gaming devices
Schedule B
Poker or ‘mah-jong’ cards or tiles
Tarot Cards and other Occult items
Schedule C
Pornographic materials (inclusive of electronic media)
Weapons/Weapon-like items
Sparklers and Pyrotechnics
Tobacco products and alcohol
Contraband or duty unpaid items
All items that the school management may deem inappropriate or potentially dangerous for students, such as penknives
All items prohibited under Singapore Law
Any pupil who violates the school rules will face consequences that commensurate with the severity, frequency and manner in which the offence was committed. The 3 categories of offences here define the seriousness of the offence. TYPE OF OFFENCES
In meting out disciplinary consequences for various offences, the school management aims to consider the 3 dimensions of justice listed below. Through this approach, and by considering mitigating factors, the school will safeguard the principle of fairness. 1. Commutative Justice governs the relationship between one individual and another. 2. Distributive Justice governs the relationship between the community as a whole and individuals or smaller groups 3. Legal Justice directs the relationship of individuals to the good of the community at large. Consequences for offences in Category A include, but not limited to, warning, suspension from class, detention, demerit points appropriate restitution, corrective work orders and confiscation:
For attire offences, immediate corrective action will be taken by the school to bring about compliance. These include bringing students for haircut and confiscating unauthorised items or apparel. While undergoing suspension or detention, students may be required to write reflections, essays or a letter of undertaking promising not to commit the offence again and undergo in-house counselling by teachers. Repeat offenders may be issued with a formal warning letter and have their offences upgraded to Category C. For Category B offences, the measures meted out are similar, but more demerit points may be given than those in Category A. In addition, parents may be invited to school to meet with teachers to discuss the student’s behaviour and further disciplinary actions or follow up. Students may also be referred for counselling or any other appropriate programmes deemed fit by the school management. The school may partner with external agencies to organise intervention programmes which the students will be required to participate in. For Category C offences, over and above the measures described in Category A and B, Category C offences warrant additional demerit points, caning and suspension from school. Students who commit Cat C offences may be demoted from leadership positions, barred or benched from tournaments/competitions. Students who are suspended from school will not be allowed to re-sit any tests or exams missed as a result of the suspension. Re-admission to school after suspension will be based on the conditions set by the School Management. In addition, students may be put on probation, during which they may be required to perform community services or responsibility programmes. Offences that involve violation of the law may be referred to the Police. Recalcitrant offenders who do not respond positively to the school’s intervention measures may be required to withdraw from school or face expulsion from school. |