2024 GCE Ordinary Level Results Release
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
The Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) have announced that the results of the Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-Level Examinations will be released on Friday, 10 January at 2.30 pm.
Students should report to the Multi-Purpose Hall at 2.00 pm. You are reminded to be in your school uniform, and to adhere to the school’s attire and grooming guidelines. Parents and guardians are welcome to accompany students to school to collect their results.
To ensure the safety and well-being of our students and staff, students who are unwell should seek medical attention and not return to school to collect their results. They should appoint a proxy to collect a physical copy of their results from the school, and they may contact the school for assistance with the appointment of a proxy. If students are recovering from respiratory-related illnesses and are in school to collect their results, they should exercise social responsibility and wear a mask.
Please refer to links below for a message and information sheet that contains more tips and resources for students, parents, and guardians.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership.